Disaster Relief Appreciation Sunday

Disaster relief volunteers serve around the country during disasters. Recognize the members of your church who serve in disaster relief ministry "serving Christ in crisis."  

Mission Dignity Sunday

God’s promise to provide for His faithful servants, and our opportunity to act on that promise, are at the heart of the Mission:Dignity ministry. Join in extending God’s care and compassion to His faithful servants — providing the comfort and dignity they deserve. Mission:Dignity currently helps almost 1,800 retired SBC ministers, workers or their widows...

Religious Liberty Sunday

The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention and is dedicated to engaging the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and speaking to issues in the public square for the protection of religious liberty and human flourishing.  The vision can be summed up in three words: kingdom, culture...

Partnership with Columbus Baptist Association

Our partnership with Columbus Baptist Association continues, as they send teams of volunteers to help our churches with Backyard Bible Clubs and VBS in our community.   Contact Tony Gray at tgray81968@outlook.com for more information.

Habersham Baptist Association Ministers Small Group (MSG)

Pastors meet together every Tuesday at 11:30 AM for encouragement and to discuss life and ministry.  Contact Tony Gray for the location and more information.at tgray81968@outlook.com.  Come join us.

Public Affairs Training

Attend the Public Affairs Training Event in Toccoa on August 23 and learn why it’s important and how ministry leaders and churches can be engaged in the policy making process.  Our local, state, and national leaders need your ministry and support.  This training is for pastors, ministry leaders and students.  The event and meals are FREE!   Go...

Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer

Habersham Baptist Association WMU will meet to celebrate Baptist Women's Day of Prayer on November 5 at Clarkesville Baptist Church, 1287 Washington Street in Clarkesville, 10:30 AM - Noon. This year's theme is the WMU's Project Help: Mental Health.  Christmas backpacks will be collected prior to the program.  Lunch will be served.

Evangelism Conference

The Georgia Baptist Evangelism Conference is back for 2023 with an opportunity for growth and fellowship. There are Breakout Sessions throughout the days geared to pour into you as our church leadership and to strengthen your own evangelism journey. We'll also have dedicated worship each day of the conference. The 2023 theme is “Entrusted with the...


Many of the students and children in our churches have God-given musical abilities, but they aren’t sure how to hone them. SURGE150 is a music camp designed to help students develop their talents in a safe environment. Each age group will have opportunities specific to learn from well-qualified faculty. This camp includes mass rehearsals, elective...

Disaster Relief Training

Interested in getting involved in Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief?  Training will be in our area in August.  Mark your calendars for August 18-19 and join us at Ebenezer Baptist in Toccoa.  Watch for registration information.